We Are Numbered

I’m behind again. On my CFM studies. 

 Life has been so busy these last two weeks. 

 I started school. My daughter started daycare. 

 I thought maybe the feelings of loneliness would go away if I was busy. 

 But they haven’t.. 

I wonder every day when this unwanted friend will leave me. 

 Does lonely get lonely? 

 In the first lesson with @dontmissthisstudy, they go over Moses 1:35 

 “…all things are numbered into me, for they are mine and I know them.” 

 We are numbered. 

 We are His. 

 He knows us. 

 So why isn’t that enough? Why doesn’t that just make me not lonely anymore? 

 Well, I think my physical body needs to catch up to what my spiritual body knows and that’s okay. 

 It’s okay to take time to discover and learn the love God has for you. 

 It doesn’t have to be immediate. 

 But you are numbered. 

 You belong to someone. 

 And they know you.

God Knows

“These things you’re waiting for, I know about them.” - God 

David Butler shared these words in his lesson on D&C 106-108 with Emily Belle Freeman on Don't Miss This Study. They’ve been stuck in my mind ever since. 

Being a follower of Christ is so hard. 

Rewarding, yes, but so so hard. 

Often praying in life for things we want. 

Asking for answers to all the questions we have. 

Like, why did my dad have to die from cancer? 

 Will my loved one ever come back to church? 

 When will this hard phase in life end? 

 Will I ever find my eternal companion? 

 Will I ever catch a break? 

 So so many more. 

These things we’re waiting for…. answers, relief, guidance, love…. He knows about them. 

 He DOES hear our prayers. 

 He knows our hearts. 

 He knows our pains. 

 He knows the things we are waiting for. He isn’t ignorant and he hasn’t forgotten us. So when you can’t find your answer online or in scriptures or from a leader…. Don’t forget that he knows what’s on your heart and mind. Find comfort in him knowing.