You Are Wanted

 It was 2013.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave a talk on MDD.

I had prayed for those words for 3 very long years.

And then one conference they finally came.

Today Elder Holland, again, reiterated what he said almost 10 years ago.

You are wanted.

You are needed.

You are loved.

Suicide is not the answer.

The despair you feel…. God sees it.

God sees you.

And you are wanted.

You are wanted here on Earth.

You are wanted at church.

You are wanted at home…

at school, at work, at the temple, at Christmas, at that baptism, at that birthday party, at that bunco night.

You are wanted here.

God wants you here, as much as He wants you back home in Heaven.

He wants you here. Because maybe…

Maybe you can help someone else feel the love and wanting He so desperately needs them to feel.

Please stay.