Work + Wonder General Conference Workbook

It's that time of year again! I'm so excited to finally share with you the Work + Wonder General Conference Workbook for April 2019!

I am SO excited to have this in my hands!! Again, I did a pre-order which included the beautiful quote print you see in the photo above. There's also something new that Rio is doing this year.... A SUBSCRIPTION!!! Can you believe it? I hopped on that train as soon as I could!

I chose the "every 6-month" subscription that is the spiral-bound workbook because I feel like it's easier to use when you're writing in it. I've had one that wasn't spiral bound and it worked fine, that's just my personal preference.

The artwork in this edition is stunning! In the beginning of the workbook, there is an introduction of the artist and I wish I could frame all of the pages! They're just beautiful!

One thing that I noticed that was different is the Sunday Study section. I feel like every General Conference, they change how our Sunday's are to be conducted. This time, Rio put in extra note pages for each session and at the end of the book so that for your Sunday study, you can use the extra note space if needed, or the same note page as the talk that was given that you are studying.

Overall, I'm pretty excited for this upcoming General Conference. There have been SO MANY changes to the Church in the last six months. I'm also excited to see how this new workbook helps me study in a new way to help me learn things that God needs me to learn!

If you're thinking about getting a Work + Wonder workbook, DO IT! :) You will not be disappointed. Rio works really hard to put these together and has a wonderful team to help ship these out to everyone. I believe that these books will really bless your life and enhance your study of the General Conference talks!

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