Be Thou An Example

I was talking with a friend the other day about the goals I have for the new year (also, a goal post coming soon)! I definitely have goals but I'm also trying not to set too many because I'll be welcoming the new year with my first baby.

One goal that I'm constantly thinking about, especially since I'll be a mother soon, is my spirituality. There is so much in that aspect of my life that is lacking. I know things get in the way and life throws us for a loop sometimes but I know that I can still do and be better about my spirituality.

When I was in high school, I attended a youth "camp" or conference, I guess you could call it, during the summer called EFY. The theme for the youth of the Church that year was "Be Thou An Example" being pulled from the scripture in 1 Timothy 4:12. I have reflected back on that verse many times in my life, especially during my teenage years. As I was talking with my friend about my goals, I kept going back to this scripture.

Am I being an example of the believers? Am I being an example in general? One thing that has been weighing heavily on my mind is how I'm going to teach my child about Jesus Christ and how I want to raise her in the Church. It's a big responsibility to lead and guide someone down the path of faith you love and believe in. I pray each day that I'll be able to do my best to teach her of our Savior and His life.

Here's a little throwback picture for you of my group at EFY.

There are so many things that I want to be better on that I am going to try my best to do in the coming year. It's also okay to set goals for January 1st and it's okay to set goals and start today! To each their own.

I want to truly participate in Come, Follow Me by sitting down to study each Sunday with my husband. I want to read in the scriptures each day, whether that includes a journal or not. I want to attend church each Sunday whether we're out of town visiting family or in our own ward. I want to participate in Fast Sunday each month (being pregnant, I haven't been able to) and truly try to focus on the blessing it is in my life. I want to love my daughter and teach her of the Savior and His love for her however I can do that. I would also love to increase my temple attendance but that might be a little rough to do with a newborn but I know it's doable!

I know that sometimes I put pressure on myself to be the best and to be perfect and all God wants is the effort. I need to step back and just remember to take it one day at a time and that's okay. God knows the intentions of my heart and that I love Him but it's also okay to want to do better.

May the Lord bless you in your spirituality today and in 2020.

What I'm Reading Lately

Here are the next 6 faith-based or uplifting/inspiring books I have read over the last little while. It's been a minute since I picked a book like this and out of nowhere, I read 5 in over two months! I really enjoyed these books and I hope that you see one that maybe you haven't read before!

Even This: Getting to the Place Where You Can Trust God with Anything by Emily Belle Freeman - This book is really good! I'm definitely going to revisit this book which is something I don't do often. I felt like Emily really got me.... she understood where I was coming from and even though our trials aren't the same, our pleadings and our yearning for God were the same. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You're Made to Do by Jordan Lee Dooley — I really liked this book! It was kind of like having a conversation with your girlfriends and just talking about life and trying to be your best self! She had awesome tips. What she had to say was kind and genuine and didn't make me feel bad at all about how I've been trying to find my purpose in life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox — This book was fantastic! I loved all of the real-life experiences shared and the words that caused me to think deeply about how I use the Atonement in my life each day. The Atonement isn't a one-and-done deal.. it is continuous in our lives. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Continuous Conversion by Brady Wilcox — I really enjoyed this book! Chapter 6 was my favorite. It definitely spoke to me in regards to now matter how low you feel in life, the love of Christ is always there to lift you up and you CAN find your way back to Him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright — This is definitely a new favorite Christmas book! I really loved this story. So sweet and the full circle that played out before me. I definitely want to start my own Christmas Jar now!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Heavens Are Open by Wendy W. Nelson — I'm kind of shocked that I wasn't more blown away by this book. Is that rude? I loved what Sister Nelson shared and a few insights had me pondering during my day but I didn't feel completely moved by this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Have you read any of these books? Comment your thoughts below!

The Christ Child

For the year 2019, the Church has created a movie titled, "The Christ Child" for the Light the World campaign. It is absolutely beautiful, and if you haven't watched it yet, do so now!!

I think the moment that got me most was when the Wise Men came to visit and offered their gifts unto Christ and the man cried. He cried and I felt so much emotion at that moment. It was beautiful and amazing and it is one I will never forget.

I, too, think I would have the same reaction meeting Christ. When I truly give it some thought, my heart swells so big I don't think it could grow any bigger. Christ is my Savior and my best friend. He has suffered so much for me and has saved me in so many moments in my life. He has lifted me up and carried me when I could no longer walk. I love my Savior.

This year, you can sign up to receive text messages each day in the month of December with ideas on who and how to serve someone. I have definitely signed up, you can text LIGHT to 71234. You can also download the monthly calendar and follow along by clicking this link. You can also follow along on Instagram and also subscribe to emails as well! There are plenty of ways to stay up to date with ideas and to be notified each day.

Another thing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does each year is the Giving Machines. You can learn more by going here and finding a location near you. This year, there are 10 different locations with giving machines. I haven't had a chance to make a donation but maybe this year will be the year!

I'm so excited for this Christmas season and I hope I can work really hard to remember Christ and the true meaning of Christmas! I am excited to spend a lot of time with family and serving those around me. I love my Savior and I know that He lives.