Goals for 2020

Howdy! It's 2020!! Can you believe it!? I'm back with another blog post about my faith-based 2020 goals! I didn't do very well in my 2019 goals but, I tried! It's hard when you aren't truly specific about your goals so I'm going to try and do that this year.

My blog posts have been few and far between because I'm pregnant and my baby is due this month and the exhaustion is REAL! But I'm going to try and set some goals for this blog and try really hard to stay in-tune with the Spirit about where the Lord wants me to take it.

  • Stop, drop, and find. Courtney Casper has been a huge influence in my life lately when it comes to scripture study. I want to work really hard to stop, drop and find in at least 5 minutes of my day. We're reading the Book of Mormon this year for Come, Follow Me and I want to spend a lot more time in the scriptures, especially with a little one on the way!
  • Post 1 blog post a month on this blog. Like I said earlier, my posting has been few and far between but I really want to try and get at least 1 up a month. I say that because I have no idea what life will be like with a newborn and I don't want to set the bar too high.
  • Read 5 faith-based books. Last year, I read way more than my goal and I'm really happy about that! I'd love to shoot for the same amount but we'll see so I'm going to set my goal for at least 5! I love using the Deseret Bookshelf PLUS app!
  • Print off a habit tracker and track my morning and evening prayers. I really want to spend more time in prayer this year. I have a big life change happening and I want to stay close to God. I also want to track doing my Come, Follow Me for the week with my family as well!
  • Email newsletter. I have always been intrigued by learning how to do an email subscription list. Not everybody uses Bloglovin' to follow their favorite blogs nor do they follow IG/FB pages for post updates so I'm wondering if an email would be better! I'd like to learn this but if I don't achieve it during 2020, no big deal!

I think that's a good amount of goals for me and this blog and my spirituality. If I feel like adding more or forget something then I will add when it comes ;)

What are your spiritual goals for 2020?