Goals for 2019

I thought I would share some of the goals I have for 2019 that are more on the spiritual side of things. Some people say that setting goals is just setting yourself up for failure, but I believe in having something to work towards and accomplish. Sure, I don't meet every goal I've ever set in my life but I love having something that pushes me to be my best every day.

  • Attend the temple each month by setting a date the month before. Plan out which session to attend and reach out to any friends or family that might want to come with.
  • Start reading the Book of Mormon in my new journaling edition that I got for Christmas. 
  • Start prepping Sunday lessons the day before, each month, I'm scheduled to teach.
  • Make an effort to attend my Sunday meetings by getting up an hour early to get ready and eat breakfast. (Our church time is staying the same so I can get up at the same time each week.)
  • Read at least 10 faith-based books. I really like to read books from Deseret Book!

There are only a few goals but these are mostly just my spiritual-based goals. I really want to reconnect with God in 2019 since I had such a hard time in 2018. I'm not really sure why I had such a difficult year but many times I felt God's love. Being surrounded by the Spirit reminds me of who I really am and the happiness that the Gospel brings to me and to my life and I know that I can do better in my actions as a disciple and I can strengthen some areas in my life that may be lacking as far as following the Lord and his commandments.

I'm so grateful for a loving and understanding Heavenly Father who helps me achieve all that I want to in this life! He believes in me and always supports me when it's in my best interest. It can be difficult, living this life, and oftentimes lonely because I just with my Heavenly Father was here with me but I'm grateful for the angels he sends my way to be with me when he cannot.

I'm really excited about this home-centered, church-supported gospel study that's going to be happening this year! I know some people are hesitant about it and to see how it all plays out but I think it will be really good. I teach the youth in our ward and last Sunday I taught the lesson and at the end, I felt prompted to share with them my feelings on the new curriculum and encourage them to work really hard and be disciplined to study at home now that we'll be at church less during the month. I'm not sure if it did anything for them but it was nice to be in a place where I could encourage them to take advantage of the home-study.

What are your spiritual goals for 2019? Comment down below!

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