Coming Back

You guys. Where have I been? After President Russell M. Nelson invited the women of the Church to do a 10-day social media fast, I included my blog. That means, I've been gone since then and then some.

I didn't know what to share coming back because I just felt fine without social media. For once. I didn't have any of my creative juices flowing and wondered what it was that I need to share on here after that fast.

The social media fast was GREAT and I'm so excited to begin writing blog posts again. I missed all of my family and friends and staying connected. Social media can be a force for good but I definitely saw how it impacted my life negatively during this fast.

I'm going to be switching from Blogger to Wordpress in the coming weeks and I'm really excited about it! I love the free platform that Blogger is, but Wordpress is more familiar to me and gives me just a little bit more to work with.

I'm also working with Rio from Work + Wonder on some amazing things so be sure to give her a follow and watch for my sharing!!

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