Christ is Not Empty

"Risen Hope,” by Joseph Brickey

I have deeply loved this painting since I first saw in inside the waiting room at the Salt Lake Temple. The colors just literally grab my heart and soul and make me want to drop to my knees. It's beautiful, and perfectly portrays the morning of the resurrection. I love the simple sunlight peaking through, and how rich the colors are, including the robe worn by Christ. I wish I could find a hard copy somewhere!

I was having a hard time one day, and the day before that and the day before that. My dad was sick, classes were starting, no more holiday breaks from work and working out again just really got to me. I tend to bottle things up inside and then some small tiny hurtful thing can just release all of this emotion. It's really hard for me to live like that but I'm working on being better about bottling things inside.

During work the following week, I decided to start listening to talks while I was working. Between Elder Bednar's talk, Elder Ballard's talk and President Uchtdorf's talk in October 2015, they (in some way) were speaking about turning to Christ, as they mentioned social media.

If you know me well at all, I love social media. I love networking, online socials and the benefits they are to us. I believe in sharing the gospel through the internet, and social media makes it very easy. As I was listening I noticed a trend of them speaking of turning to the Internet more, than Christ. We turn there because it is the worldly thing to do. It is easy, quick and natural. As we do that, we are left feeling empty. The internet and social media are empty; they serve no purpose in providing answers to life's questions. But that we need to turn to Christ first because He is not empty.

It really got me thinking about that. Christ is not empty, and He will never leave me feeling empty. As we turn to Him, He will fill our hearts and soul with peace and comfort. And that feeling may be the very answer we are seeking. Even if we do not read the answer in scripture, hear it in a prayer or a talk. Christ Himself is the answer.

I thought it was a beautiful thing, and I'm so glad I was blessed with the Spirit to share this with me. Having a bad day can often make things very difficult. It's very frustrating and hard to always turn to the scriptures, prayer or spirit-inviting music, and it's not always what I want to do. But I am never left feeling empty when I do those things. I am never left wondering why and where my purpose is. I am never left alone.

Christ is my Savior, my King. He is my Redeemer and my Friend. Without Him, I'm not sure how I would live my life. I have a strong testimony of Christ and His love. I have a testimony that He lives, and He loves me and He loves YOU. He is here for us if we turn to Him. He is waiting for us. Do not hesitate today, to turn to Him first. I promise you will be filled again, never to be empty.

How Could Christ Help Me Cope With Depression?

If there is any question I hear often from those who struggle with depression and/or anxiety, it is this:

How could Christ help me cope with depression?

I really do hear it a lot, and it is nothing to be ashamed of if you have ever asked yourself that question. I know I have asked it before! How can someone who is not physically here, help me work through those bad days? How can He help me get out of bed when today just doesn't seem possible in any aspect?

He can, and that's what I'm going to share with you right now.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. - Phillippians 4:13

After I found out that I lost a dear friend to suicide, I felt so lost. I spent many days sleeping in, and/or not sleeping at all. I would lay there, in silence. Screaming inside my head for relief—for this nightmare to end. I had just decided that the Church was something I wanted in my life not many months prior. Why would God give this to me? Someone who repented, made a righteous choice to come back to the Church? I didn't understand.

I often found myself angry. That I couldn't physically speak to Christ, let alone my Heavenly Father. I was angry that my prayers weren't being answered when and how I wanted them to be answered. I searched for days on end, scripture after scripture, prayer after prayer, letter after letter to the leaders of The Church on this topic. I needed healing.

Image c/o The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

It's been 9 years now, since those trying days, and though I still struggle today, it has become a lot easier to deal with. Not completely, but much more than I ever thought it could be. If you think about it, during those moments of pain, heartache, crying, begging, screaming… how many times have you thought of Christ or God? How many of those sleepless nights have pushed you to pray? Read your scriptures or listen to hymns?

That my friends is how Christ helps you cope. The very thought of Him—the very thought of needing Him and wondering where He is, is the first step to laying your burdens at His feet. It is the first step to sleeping one more hour. It is the first step to making it through the next 24 hours, 4 weeks, 12 months, 4 years…. The very thought of Christ comforting us does, in fact, bring comfort. Knowing that we can pray whenever and wherever, and thinking of Him brings relief.

I didn't realize it until now, but that's pretty huge. I have often, and very often, cried out to the Lord where Christ is, and why am I'm not finding peace!? But it is in those small moments, when the Holy Ghost ever so sweetly and gently, puts thought into my mind to pray. To think of and ask for the comfort of Christ. We are so loved and surrounded by so many angels in heaven and on earth. Heavenly Father never wants us to be alone; ever ever ever.

I encourage you to remember this and to remember the next time you are struggling, that Christ is already with you in that first thought of seeking Him.

Goals for 2019

I thought I would share some of the goals I have for 2019 that are more on the spiritual side of things. Some people say that setting goals is just setting yourself up for failure, but I believe in having something to work towards and accomplish. Sure, I don't meet every goal I've ever set in my life but I love having something that pushes me to be my best every day.

  • Attend the temple each month by setting a date the month before. Plan out which session to attend and reach out to any friends or family that might want to come with.
  • Start reading the Book of Mormon in my new journaling edition that I got for Christmas. 
  • Start prepping Sunday lessons the day before, each month, I'm scheduled to teach.
  • Make an effort to attend my Sunday meetings by getting up an hour early to get ready and eat breakfast. (Our church time is staying the same so I can get up at the same time each week.)
  • Read at least 10 faith-based books. I really like to read books from Deseret Book!

There are only a few goals but these are mostly just my spiritual-based goals. I really want to reconnect with God in 2019 since I had such a hard time in 2018. I'm not really sure why I had such a difficult year but many times I felt God's love. Being surrounded by the Spirit reminds me of who I really am and the happiness that the Gospel brings to me and to my life and I know that I can do better in my actions as a disciple and I can strengthen some areas in my life that may be lacking as far as following the Lord and his commandments.

I'm so grateful for a loving and understanding Heavenly Father who helps me achieve all that I want to in this life! He believes in me and always supports me when it's in my best interest. It can be difficult, living this life, and oftentimes lonely because I just with my Heavenly Father was here with me but I'm grateful for the angels he sends my way to be with me when he cannot.

I'm really excited about this home-centered, church-supported gospel study that's going to be happening this year! I know some people are hesitant about it and to see how it all plays out but I think it will be really good. I teach the youth in our ward and last Sunday I taught the lesson and at the end, I felt prompted to share with them my feelings on the new curriculum and encourage them to work really hard and be disciplined to study at home now that we'll be at church less during the month. I'm not sure if it did anything for them but it was nice to be in a place where I could encourage them to take advantage of the home-study.

What are your spiritual goals for 2019? Comment down below!