Does God Really Count My Tears?

After a previous post about feeling empty with the internet, and not with Christ, the question in the title of this post came to mind. It's amazing what a bad day can do for you. It tends to make you ponder life's questions and seek out the answers from Christ.

I like to think that I pray throughout the day. Usually, those prayers are silent, in my head, prayers. But they're there, nonetheless. I often hear quotes like, "Men, be careful not to make women weep, for God counts their tears." Or in some different form, but it's usually about God counting our tears as women. So that's where the question came from.

Does God really count my tears?

And I believe the answer is yes. I've always wondered why, or what is He going to do with counting them. What does it mean? That sort of thing. I'm not sure I'll ever know the answer but I like to think of it this way.

As God counts our tears, it is a reminder for us, that He is paying attention. It is a reminder that He is listening, that He is aware of us, in our moment of despair. God is ever mindful of our needs and loves us. He wants to help us in our lives. He wants to hug us and send angels to surround us with feelings of peace and comfort.

“I Will Give You Rest” by Yongsung Kim

I believe God wants us to know He counts our tears for that reason. So that we know He is there, listening, watching, and thinking of us. Seems like a weird way of showing us, His children, that He knows we exist, and that He is paying attention to us. It's very comforting to know this.

I believe God counts the tears of men as well. We are always going to be His children. Daughters; Sons. He loves us. I cannot emphasize that enough. It is a tough road that I've been on, but clinging to the knowledge that God loves me, and is aware of me, has truly carried me. We are so blessed to have such a loving Heavenly Father.

So, I encourage you to remember next time, that as tears fall from your eyes (good or bad), or you hear that quote… remember that God is thinking of you. He is paying attention to you. You are His child. And nothing will ever change that.

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