Lead Kindly Light

“Lead Kindly Light” by Simon Dewey

I've wanted to share the story behind this photo since I received it as a wedding gift, from my grandparents, almost 6 years ago. I'm not talking about the author's story behind the picture, but my plead with God behind the picture.

When Brady and I had been living in our apartment for a few months, I just knew we needed a photo of Christ hung somewhere. I even remember telling Brady that we definitely needed Christ in our home. I had planned to head on over to Deseret Book when we got paid next, but a package from my grandparents showed up to our apartment about 4 days later. My sweet grandma said that this was a late wedding gift, and she attached the receipt so I could take it back if I didn't like it.

I almost started to cry. This was an answer to my prayers. I knew God knew exactly what my heart needed for this apartment to finally feel like home, and he answered that prayer through my grandma. I cannot believe how quickly this happened. This picture now has special meaning to me because of how quickly my prayer was answered. Every time I see it, I'll always remember how God helped me to have a bit more of Christ in our home.

Christ is always a guest at home. I love the gospel and I'm proud to be an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thanks, grandma, you'll never know how much this simple wedding gift impacted me.

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