General Conference 04/2020 - Saturday Evening Session

Okay, how cool was it to have YOUTH SPEAKERS!?!?! I mean, can you imagine!?! They both did a fabulous job!! I spoke at my seminary graduation and I thought that was nerve-wracking.... also, they didn't have to speak in front of 21,000 people so maybe that helped?? Still, I think even speaking in front of the prophet alone would be nerve-wracking!!! Man, what an experience they'll never forget. It was so wonderful to hear from the youth!!

I always love making quote pictures from General Conference highlighting some of my favorite quotes. Please feel free to share or pin on Pinterest! That would make me so happy :) I used the Rhonna Farrer Designs app (with my in-app purchases) to make these graphics as well as a font by Amy Groesbeck that I purchased.

I just realized I never made one for President Nelson from this session. I'll be adding that soon!

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