Personal Scripture Tabs

Now that we've got our General Conference quote posts out of the way ;) Let's talk personal scripture study!!

During my personal scripture study, I had the thought to share about these sticky tabs I have in my scriptures. I currently study with the journaling edition of the Book of Mormon (loving it!) but I use my original scripture set to write any thoughts or impressions that I wrote way back when or to expand on a verse or something.

Back in junior high, I went highlighter crazy in my scriptures. I would highlight (and I'm talking with an actual neon highlighter) any verse shared in Seminary or church or if I saw it shared somewhere... whether it meant something to me or not. *Cue the eye roll* I am terrified for people to see those pages in my scriptures because to me it's embarrassing even though it really doesn't matter.

In high school, I started using these post-it type sticky tabs. They're colored but translucent. I would write a quick phrase or topic on the edge and stick it on the edge of the page next to the verse or draw an arrow or write the verse number if it wasn't directly on the outside of the page. I couldn't stop and started marking all kinds of verses for different things.

I did this mostly because if I needed some comfort quick or needed to share a spiritual thought somewhere, I wanted to have quick access to a good verse or something that would carry me through the night if I needed it. I love this addition to my scriptures. It's personal and I refer to them all of the time. Sometimes I'll read it and remember when I marked it or why I marked that one. It's so fun to go back and see my markings and notes and what was important to me to remember at a certain point in my life.

As I transfer some of these markings and notes over to my journaling edition, I can't help but want to encourage you to make your own scripture tabs. This a cheap and simple way to personalize your scripture study and it's fun! You can write whatever you want on the tab to help you remember why you marked that scripture without having to actually open up your scriptures. AND this makes for great conversation starters. I've had many people ask me what the tabs are for, or just to take a look at it. I don't share that to say, "wow look at me!" but honestly, it has helped me talk about my love for the scriptures more and it has helped me share some meaningful insights and verses with those around me.

What have you added to your scripture study to personalize it?

General Conference 10/19 - Sunday Afternoon Session

I always get sad when it's the last session of the day because I hate that conference is over! I love this time of year and it goes by way too fast. Do you feel that way too? I feel like when I was a kid, conference was the longest weekend of my life but now that I'm an adult it flies by! Haha, funny how that works out.

I really loved President Ballard's talk about his sweet wife. It must be hard for them (or anyone) to continue without their loved one but I love hearing them talk about their love for them. It's so sweet!!

Until next time, which is supposed to be a GRAND experience. I'm excited to see what is in store for general conference and the special occasion that it is!

General Conference 10/19 - Sunday Morning Session

I love the Sunday sessions of General Conference. There is just something special about Sundays and listening to our Prophet and church leaders speak. Maybe it's because I grew up with my family in one room while watching conference that just makes it feel magical to me!

My husband and I watched together and it was really good. So many talks about joy in the gospel and God's love for us. Even if they sound repetitive, we really need those talks and those reminders!

I made two graphics from Elder Uchtdorf's talk because I just couldn't pick one!!! I made these with an app on my phone called WordSwag! Feel free to save/share these :)

Which of these talks was your favorite?
Did anything stick out to you as an answer to your prayer?

General Conference 10/19 - Women's Session

I was so excited that this General Conference was the women's session! I miss having it at both conferences but I'm also accepting of the changes the Church is making! Anyway, this session was so amazing!! Totally empowering women and just really incredible. I can't stop saying that.

President Nelson truly loves the women of the Church and he made it very obvious that he does. I never feel less than or belittled for being a woman and not having the priesthood. He, and the other leaders, made me feel so loved, and important, and needed. I am not a huge feminist and have never really struggled with feelings towards equality in the Church (though I understand there are women who do) but for the first time, I actually felt like women were lifted up. I felt like we were heard and I felt like they really spoke to us and made us feel loved. It was just amazing and if you haven't watched it yet or listened to it, you need to!

I especially appreciated Sister Aburto's talk. It is not easy talking about suicide and mental health, but to talk about it in front of thousands of people is exactly what this world needs. It was such a needed talk for many people and I loved it.

Did you watch the Women's session?
Did you have a question answered during General Conference?

General Conference 10/19 - Saturday Afternoon Session

There was also a talk this session that really hit me hard and was everything I needed. In fact, I even spoke to my husband about this during the break and then someone spoke on it! It's crazy but I'm so grateful, again, that God is listening to me.

I created these quote graphics with an app on my phone called WordSwag! Feel free to save/share these graphics :)

Also, isn't this a fun little thing? Haha I didn't even tweet a quote and he still liked it! :) So fun.

General Conference 10/19 - Saturday Morning Session

Saturday morning conference was great! I really enjoyed all of the talks but especially the first few. I've written questions down before but have never really paid attention to whether or not they were answered so sometimes I just go in with my mind open and just trust that God will give me something I need to hear.

This general conference I had some worries/concerns about my discipleship and my future as a mother. Some things just weighing on my heart that didn't really create questions but I definitely said a prayer to help me feel something towards these worries and concerns. I know Heavenly Father is listening to me and will comfort me and help me when I need it.

It was within the first few talks that I actually felt like they were directly for me. It was the craziest thing. It was like Heavenly Father wanted me to know right away that he was listening and cares about me and knows that I'm doing my best. I am so thankful. I'm thankful for inspired leaders who give talks not knowing whose heart it'll touch.

I created some quote graphics with an app called WordSwag. I picked a quote that I liked from each talk and thought I would post them here. Please feel free to save/share!! I'll be doing a post like this for each session with the quote graphics in them so stay tuned!!

Did you have a favorite talk from Saturday Morning session?
Did you have a question answered during conference?

Work + Wonder General Conference Workbook

I'm so excited to talk to you today about the October 2019 Work and Wonder Co's General Conference workbook!! :) This blog post is getting up late but it's here!!

I have purchased a copy of this workbook every since she first started which I believe was 2018? Anyway, I love them. Love love love them. I love to use them after conference too. I bring them to church with me and take extra notes or to read/write during Sacrament meeting. They're so great!

This seasons edition features an artist that we ALL love!! Caitlin Connolly is absolutely incredible and I feel so stinkin' lucky to have this copy in my hands that feature her artwork.

One thing that I love about Rio and her mission with these workbooks is the feeling I get that I'm needed and wanted. It's easy to get lost in the shuffle of callings and the priesthood (as a woman) so the constant reminder from W+W that I'm part of a marvelous work is really inspiring and encourages me to work hard each day knowing that my Father in Heaven really needs me.

Rio switched up the design of the note pages and now we have a lot more space to take notes of the actual talk instead of having additional note pages at the end of each session. There are some extra note pages at the back of the book but I'm stoked to have more space on the actual talk page! It is beautiful!

You can watch my video review/walkthrough of this workbook here. Please excuse the crappy lighting in the video but I love going through the workbook with you! Hopefully you snagged yours in time this year but I believe she's still taking orders because you can use these after conference!!! I'm so excited that it is this coming weekend and I cannot wait to hear from our leaders.