General Conference 10/19 - Women's Session

I was so excited that this General Conference was the women's session! I miss having it at both conferences but I'm also accepting of the changes the Church is making! Anyway, this session was so amazing!! Totally empowering women and just really incredible. I can't stop saying that.

President Nelson truly loves the women of the Church and he made it very obvious that he does. I never feel less than or belittled for being a woman and not having the priesthood. He, and the other leaders, made me feel so loved, and important, and needed. I am not a huge feminist and have never really struggled with feelings towards equality in the Church (though I understand there are women who do) but for the first time, I actually felt like women were lifted up. I felt like we were heard and I felt like they really spoke to us and made us feel loved. It was just amazing and if you haven't watched it yet or listened to it, you need to!

I especially appreciated Sister Aburto's talk. It is not easy talking about suicide and mental health, but to talk about it in front of thousands of people is exactly what this world needs. It was such a needed talk for many people and I loved it.

Did you watch the Women's session?
Did you have a question answered during General Conference?

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