General Conference 10/19 - Saturday Morning Session

Saturday morning conference was great! I really enjoyed all of the talks but especially the first few. I've written questions down before but have never really paid attention to whether or not they were answered so sometimes I just go in with my mind open and just trust that God will give me something I need to hear.

This general conference I had some worries/concerns about my discipleship and my future as a mother. Some things just weighing on my heart that didn't really create questions but I definitely said a prayer to help me feel something towards these worries and concerns. I know Heavenly Father is listening to me and will comfort me and help me when I need it.

It was within the first few talks that I actually felt like they were directly for me. It was the craziest thing. It was like Heavenly Father wanted me to know right away that he was listening and cares about me and knows that I'm doing my best. I am so thankful. I'm thankful for inspired leaders who give talks not knowing whose heart it'll touch.

I created some quote graphics with an app called WordSwag. I picked a quote that I liked from each talk and thought I would post them here. Please feel free to save/share!! I'll be doing a post like this for each session with the quote graphics in them so stay tuned!!

Did you have a favorite talk from Saturday Morning session?
Did you have a question answered during conference?

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