Christ Sought the Father... Do You?

The talk shown in the photo above is called Am I a Child of God? by Elder Brian K. Taylor! It’s a great talk and I was able to read many reassuring things about my identity as a child of God. But what stuck out to me most is what you see above. Christ always sought the Father. Christ always turned to him first. Christ always put the Father first. So when I thought about that, and learning how much our Father in Heaven meant to Jesus Christ, this question popped into my head.

Christ sought the Father... do you?

 And I’ve been thinking about it all day. How many times have I sought the Father first? How many times have I turned to him before anyone else? Even my husband? How many times have I put him, his Beloved Son, and the gospel, first in my life? I was heartbroken to admit that I fail miserably at doing any of those things.

It’s so easy for me to find physical, immediate help on the days that are the hardest. It’s also REALLY easy for me to turn to my husband, family or friends when something fantastic happens!! And while there is nothing wrong with either of these (I promise, nothing wrong), I do find myself thinking about this more often.

How many times have I pleaded to my Father in heaven for an answer RIGHT NOW? How many times have I asked him to help me this very second, knowing he probably is helping someone else? How many times have I asked him to put me first? This isn’t a right or wrong post. This isn’t anything like that. I’m just expanding on the thought of seeking the Father… period.

Nobody is at fault. We all make mistakes. We are all working on being better than we were yesterday and hopefully, we can take this question and ponder. Maybe we can let sit in our minds for a few days and really start to think about it. I love my Father in Heaven and I hope that I can always try my best to include him in my life by seeking him as the Savior did.

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