I Am Capable

This post is coming to you a little late. Sometimes I have great ideas for blog posts and then at the last minute, I change my mind. Last weekend I attended an event called Love Your Life. The event was held by Hilary Weeks and Emily Belle Freeman. They are both wonderful women!

It was a wonderful night full of inspiration, love and some beautiful music by Hilary herself. She's such an amazing artist and it was a real treat to be able to hear her sing live. I have loved her music since I was a little girl. My mother would play her songs every Sunday while getting ready for church. Because of that, Hilary Weeks is one of my favorite gospel singers and I cannot wait for her new album to come out sometime soon (hopefully)!!

We had a mini-workbook where we did little exercises together and even had moments to talk among those at our tables. It was great! One particular exercise we did was about self-care.

On the right, you can see that there are quite a few different qualities listed for us to check off. There's a catch. You have to check qualities that the Lord sees in you. It was a humbling thing to do and one that I wanted to do honestly.

As I'm checking the boxes, none of them stood out to me until I read the word Capable. I'm not sure why but it just hit me really hard. For a long time, I have felt like I wasn't capable enough to do certain things in my life. I wasn't sure I could actually finish school or hold a job. I wasn't sure if I could keep up with my friendships and nurture my family relationships. I've struggled with not being perfect... but who hasn't?

When I read the word capable, I got this really peaceful feeling. Almost a warmth like some people describe the Spirit to be. Immediately I had all of these thoughts come to my head. The Spirit was telling me that I am capable. I am capable of starting a blog. I am capable of finishing school. I am capable of being a good wife and future mother. I am capable of reading my scriptures and saying my prayers each day. I'm capable of holding a job and not letting my anxiety ruin in. I'm capable of being a good Sunday School teacher to some of the youth in our ward.

I just felt this sense of confidence that the Lord really believes I'm capable. I'm capable of so many things and he sees that in me. It was humbling and very relieving because I've always believed that I have failed so many people, most importantly, my Heavenly Father. I think we can all feel that way sometimes and it's hard not to. We're imperfect people trying to become perfect like Christ.

This is a really great activity to do from time to time to help build your self-confidence. The Lord loves us and he believes in us. We are capable.

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