Work and Wonder: LDS General Conference Workbook

You guys! I'm so excited to share this with you!!

Work and Wonder Co. is a company that produces an LDS General Conference workbook. If you're not familiar with what General Conference is, let me tell you! LDS is short for Latter-day Saint which is also short for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Within our church, we hold a General Conference twice a year. It's a big event and happens in the Spring and Fall. Members from all over the world tune in to watch or listen or even attend the actual sessions of General Conference. Our Prophet, Apostles and many other General Authority leaders speak to us on many, many different topics. There are a total of five sessions with four of them being two hours long and one of them is about an hour to an hour and a half long.

Well, this beautiful workbook was created to help you ponder, pray, study, take notes, write down your questions and your answers, your thoughts, and feelings from each speaker and so much more!

I pre-ordered mine (at almost the very last minute) and I'm so glad I did. I was kind of on the fence about ordering one for this General Conference (coming up in just two weeks!!) but decided to get one anyway. I purchased the first volume for last conference (April 2018) and reaaaaalllyyyy loved it. They weren't spiral-bound when we received them but I just took it to Staples for that.

This photo above is what it looked like when I opened the envelope. It's GORGEOUS. The paper and the sticker and just everything about it is beautiful.

With the pre-order, we received these two "freebies." The image on the left is of a centennial tree which you can find in the Sacred Grove (where the First Vision took place), and the image on the right is a cute little 5x7 card with a Book of Mormon reading tracker on the back. These are two very beautiful pieces and I'm so happy to have received them in my pre-order.

The actual workbook itself you could have ordered for it to be bound or spiral-bound. Whichever you preferred which was so very nice! And the best part? They were the same price!! I totally got mine pre-spiral-bound. Now I don't have to drive forever to get it done. The cover is beautiful and all of the photography work is done by Xan Craven with Restoring Photography. Absolutely stunning. The design is perfectly put together and I'm just REALLY excited about this edition.

I'm like 1000000% positive I'll be ordering one of these as long as she makes and sells them!

I filmed a video where I kind of go through the pages and what is inside of them and you can watch that here! I didn't want to give too much away but thought I'd still show you some of it! :) I'm really impressed with Rio and her amazing work in putting this together. So many people ordered them and really love them! I'm a total fan for anything General Conference so this is definitely going on my list of favorites!

I have tried almost everything for conference. I've had many many journals. I have tried typing up notes for the sessions. I have tried not even taking a single note and just listening and focusing on how I'm feeling and I've also done a little bit of everything at once. I don't know if I have found my conference-note-taking-peace but I'm almost there and with this workbook, I'm getting pretty dang close!

One of the really cool features of this workbook is the Sunday study guide. In the back of the book, she has left room to take notes, ask questions, write down answers, and the talk that you discussed during Relief Society on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month (I think that's the schedule for General Conference discussions). It's really nice and then you have ALL of your notes and studies in one place instead of trying to remember what you wrote down or bring all 43782473243 journals to church with you.

 I think she is sold out for this upcoming General Conference but be sure to follow her on Instagram for all of the updates and stay tuned for next years!! I have really loved this product and definitely wanted to feature this on my blog. This opinion is my own. I did not receive a free product or a discount in exchange for my review. I simply just love this product and use it and want to share it with my readers!! It has helped me and I know it can help you!

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